Thursday, September 10, 2009

Why Is It So Hot, Again? Oh, Yeah My A/C Went Out!

It's true. The A/C went out in my car yesterday as I was picking my son up from school. No biggie, except for the fact that it went out while I was sitting in the hellishly long line of cars that form outside my son's school, and it was 3:30 in the afternoon and a sunny 105 degrees. Why do I still live in this, to use the words of my son, "rust-bucket" of a town? I just can't take the heat anymore, so it's just a matter of getting out of the proverbial kitchen.

The cost to fix this little issue of a busted A/C compressor? A super-affordable $1000 big ones. There goes the NYC Fall break vacay that I've been fantasizing about for the past 3 months. But thankfully I called the repair shop and they were able to get it in today. As far as having the $1000 by tomorrow? Well again, thankfully, I was able to call on a family member to front the repair guy the full amount. Paying back the loan with no interest in this stifling economy? Priceless.

So by tomorrow I should be wheeling around town, the cold A/C blowing in my face, The Beatles Anthology cranking in the CD player (I have to practice my notes for Rockband), and a swift sense of relief that for the next 80,ooo miles or so, I won't have to worry about the goddamn air compressor! Long live the Soccer Mom Mobile!

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