Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Beatles Rockband!

I am a recent Guitar Hero convert, having played it with the fam almost all of last weekend. My sudden urge to own this game came last Friday when I announced that I was going to buy the entire set (drums, guitar, mic) but Iwasn't sure if I was going to get Rockband or Guitar Hero. After some investigative research (i.e. chatting it up with the Blockbuster people), I decided that I would pursue Guitar Hero. The word from the Game Stop people is that Guitar Hero hardware is compatibale with Rockband software, but not vice versa. Plus, the GH set-up only costs $100 at most retailers, down from $170, and it comes with the World Tour game! So I could get the entire set, plus have the World Tour game, and then buy GH 5 seperately, which is exactly what I did. I finally tracked it down at a Best Buy 20 minutes away from my house (the only store for miles that had it at the lower price for the Xbox360), but there was a yummy Mexican food restaurant on the way, so it all worked out. Mmmmmmm, chile rellenos!

To make a long story short, I friggin love this game! I rocked at vocals on Nirvana's "Lithium" scoring a 99% on hard! I started to learn the guitar and have come pretty close to perfecting Coldplay's "In My Place,"although on easy mode. But I am ecstatic about Beatles:Rockband and am vowing to play it on Story mode instead of just breezing through on Quickplay. I really haven't been this excited about video games since Wii Fit came out. So ok, I guess it's only been a year, but whatev. My son loves playing and it's way funner than those stupid Halo Wars games (yeah, I said it) so we are going to rock on!

And if you're wondering, I am just as excited about DJ Hero coming out next month!

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