Tuesday, September 15, 2009

If Edward Scissorhands Were a Stylist...

I know that I already went on my rant about Fashion Week and it's polarization between the completely dull and the concept-driven that would not work for the real world in any way, shape or form. I have either been so bored with the shows that my eyes glaze over and I start to drool on myself (and not in a good way) or have been very confused trying to visualize the customer that the designer had in mind (a cyborg flight attendant?). As a lover of fashion and any and all things aesthetically pleasing, I have been disappointed by the lack of either creativity, wear-ability or both, especially from my favorite designers.

And then they lay this one on me...the Spring 2010 collection from Rodarte (pronounced Row-dar-tay). I am in awe, I am inspired, I am...eating my words. You see, this collection is not boring or dull or monotonous, but at the same time, it is very concept driven, yet somehow wearable! Take this photo above, for instance. Take away the zombie make-up and the arm-art styling and add a pair of fuchsia or red platform pumps, and I would wear this outfit in a flash! The details on both the blouse and the pants are staggering, from the cut-outs below the knee to the zippers on the thighs to the slashed-up look of the top, this is perfection! The entire collection rides the Edward Scissorhands-meets-80's-rocker chick theme, and despite being a Spring collection, there is not a wispy bow, pastel color or safari print in sight! So I just want to say thank you, girls of Rodarte, for making me believe once more in the fun, creativity and excitement of Fashion Week! This collection took guts and vision, and I salute you. I've never been happier to place my foot in my mouth!

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