Saturday, March 9, 2013

2013...I'm back on the scene, crispy and clean

*This pic is of Baxter, the younger of my 2 Schnoodles. He gives us great such great poses, he should be a doggie model. I will feature him so you have something to look at...

Wow, this blog is old! It's been 3 whole years, but I'm back.

What's changed since I saw you last? Well, I'm in a new city, have a new car, a new job, a new Vitamix, a new Instagram account, a new hobby and a whole new outlook on life. Where's the thesaurus when I need it?

Anywho, I have a lot to say and would like to use this blog again to say it. I'd like to express my views on many things, but mostly I just want to write again. I've been out of the habit. I don't like it. Writers need to feel and feelers need to write. I'm an emotional person, so I'm told, and need an outlet of expression. And since vigorously playing the banjo in a folk rock bluegrass band is not in my current repertoire of skills, I will write.

There are a plethora of subjects to write about, but mainly I just want to write whenever and whatever comes to me. Just wait by the bar and put out the vibe. I'm going to write everyday without distractions or interruptions, and I'm going to be funny. And sad. And angry. Did I mention I am an emotional basket case person?

So many things inspire me in this world. Sometimes they inspire joy, laughter, serenity, hope and love. But at other times they can induce crying spells, extreme annoyance, homicidal thoughts, severe anxiety, delusional paranoia, and other mental illnesses I won't mention here. These are a few inspirational tidbits that you might find on this blog in the future, in no particular order:

-My son, my husband, my dogs (all males, coincidentally)
-My family of origin (many of whom put the fun in dysfunctional)
-Homeschooling/education (did I mention I'm in Texas where I'm allowed to decide who educates my kid? Not possible in every state. Look it up.)
-Girlfriends (some old, some new, but definitely essential for my survival)
-God, Jesus, Spirituality
-Authors & Books
-Mr. Darcy
-Music of all sorts
-ZUMBA® fitness
-vintage handbags
-general thoughts on life
-Downton Abbey (yes, it has it's own category)
-reality t.v.
-the weather
-Austin, TX
-the squeaky utility room door
-British people and their wonderful accents
-home grown tomatoes, and songs about them
-my hair, or celebrity hairstyles as it relates to my hair
-Steve Jobs
-Paris, France
-the rebuilding of New Orleans
-Pride & Prejudice movies, or the war between BBC version vs 2005 theatrical version. You better know which side you're on.
-house hunting
-healthcare industry
-professional sports (just kidding, football season is over, thank goodness. Why AZ Cardinals? Why?)
-comedians, especially female ones
-festivals: SXSW and ACL, in particular
-social media
-unsocial media
-herb gardens
-Texas slang (I'll be using it, if not writing about it)
-organic food
-alternative medicine
-Jane Austen
-Gluten free yumminess
-tax season, namely why tax season ruins my life every year
-audits, both tax and insurance related
-opinions, both welcome and unwelcome
-skin care
-gun rights
-hormonal changes
-coconut oil
-board games
-Hunter S. Thompson
-80's video games/arcades
-shoes, boots and other footwear
-cow's milk in relation to allergy season
-biodynamic farming practices in Eastern Europe as it relates to the cosmetics industry (I once had a 30 minute conversation about this with a Whole Foods employee. True story.)
-etc, etc, etc

Am I at 100 words yet?

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